Policies and Guidelines
Welcome to River City!
Our mission is to develop happy, healthy, responsible children who value exercise, and to help them fulfill their gymnastics potential in a positive and safe environment.
In order to achieve this mission, certain basic policies are necessary to help our business run smoothly and to maintain quality throughout our program. Please read this carefully so that you are fully aware of our policies and guidelines. Thank you for adhering to our policies!
Enrollment is continuous from registration until the end of the term. The 2023-2024 session runs from August 28th through May 24th.
A completed drop form is the only way to terminate enrollment midterm. A drop notice must be turned in by the 15th of the month in order to drop and discontinue the next month.
Registration and Tuition
Yearly registration is due once per year in September. The registration fee will be waived if you paid it during the summer.
Tuition is drafted on the 1st, 5th, or 10th of each month. A late fee of $25 will be added if tuition is not paid by the 10th.
If tuition is not paid, students will be dropped from their class at the end of the month and not be able to continue until tuition is paid.
Monthly tuition is not pro-rated during the school year. Tuition is used for the specific class for which you enrolled.
Class Make-up Policy
Students are allowed one make-up class a month, call or visit the front desk to schedule. We also schedule make-up classes throughout the term. Sign-up sheets will be available 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date. Look for signs on the door, call or visit the front desk to schedule.
Scheduled Gym Closures for 2023-2024
Sept 2nd - Sept 4th Labor Day Weekend
Nov 23rd – Nov 26th Thanksgiving
Dec 23rd – Jan 1st Christmas and New Year’s
March TBD River City Classic
March 18th – March 22nd Spring Break, We will have a modified schedule during this week. You will need to sign up for a class during Spring Break.
Friday, May 24th Last day of fall classes
May TBA Spring Olympics
Dress Code
• Girls wear a gymnastics leotard. Footless leggings, soft athletic shorts, and t-shirts or tank tops may also be worn. Skirts
of any kind are not allowed, for safety.
• Hair must be pulled back off of the shoulders and out of the face for safety.
• Boys must wear athletic shorts and a T-shirt.
Students may not participate in jeans. Athletic shorts or pants with buttons, snaps, or zippers are not allowed.
Inclement Weather
In case of inclement weather, we follow the Little Rock School District's schedule for morning classes. If weather conditions improve, the gym will open for the afternoon classes. A message will be left on our answering machine and on our website in case of a weather closure. Families will be notified by email.
Participation in gymnastics at River City should be a positive experience for our students. Behavior guidelines must be followed in order to participate in our program. Students must participate and stay with their assigned class. Students can't be allowed to keep other students from learning. If a student's behavior is keeping others from learning or making the class unpleasant for other students, they will be removed from class. We use the following discipline plan for our students:
Students will be reminded of what they should be doing.
They will be asked to sit down, to “refocus" near the class until they regain control and are ready to rejoin the group. Usually, the length is one turn.
The student will be taken to his/her parent to “refocus”.
After rejoining the class, if the behavior occurs again student will be asked to go home for the day.
Student Arrival and Pick-Up
Parents are required to stay with all students enrolled in any Tiny Tumbler class. Your toddler may not be left alone at any time.
Students enrolled in any Girls or Boys classes must be supervised by a parent/guardian until the class begins. If you leave while your older child is in class, please be prompt in picking your student up after class. If you will be late or have an emergency, please call and notify the front desk. No siblings or friends may be left unsupervised in our building at any time.
Parents of students ages 2-6 can observe your child’s class from the lobby. Please wear a mask and sit in the specified areas of seating.
We are asking this term for parents of students ages 7 and up to log into our SpotTV portal to observe your child’s class from your smartphone or tablet. Our bathrooms will be available to all for use at any time. Please wear a mask if you enter the building. We would like to keep the lobby from overcrowding to make it possible for everyone to stay 6 ft. apart. If you would like more information on how to access SpotTV, please call or visit the front desk.
Parents may not enter the gymnastics space unless participating in a Toddlers In Action class. Please do not enter the gymnastics area to instruct or discipline your child. If your child is late to class and too young to send to the group alone, please ask a front staff member to take your child to their coach.
Parents should not enter the gym to take late students to class.
Visitors and children, not enrolled in classes, are not allowed on the gymnastics equipment at any time.
Children not enrolled in class must be with a parent/guardian at all times.
Non-students may never be left in our facility.
Students enrolled in class as well as non-students are never allowed to play outside of the building.
Please be courteous of others in the observation area.
We strive to maintain a clean facility. Please help us by picking up any drinks or snacks you or your children may have enjoyed while in our facility.
Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the parking lot.
Pets are not allowed in our facility except for service animals.
Health Policy
Students must be free of fever, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting, and diarrhea for a minimum of 24 hours before participating in class. They must also not have had contact with anyone that has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 10 days. Please follow these same guidelines for yourselves and your siblings.